B.A. Academy offers a number of sports that offer aim to develop young people in different but instrumental ways. Being in their formative years, we understand that it is crucial to offer activities that improve fundamental movements such as coordination, speed, agility and balance. Whilst fun and enjoyment are at the centre of all our clubs, our priority is driving development in line with the objectives outlined by the National Curriculum.

What we offer


The club involves the children having lots of fun whilst receiving professional coaching through skill development drills, tournaments, and games. The club is aimed at improving the children’s football skills and knowledge of the game, helping them to understand the concept of teamwork and have an enjoyable time.


Netball includes learning the basics as well as lots of fun gameplay with an emphasis on building teamwork with paying particular attention to improving the hand-eye co-ordination of students.


B.A. Academy’s cricket is actioned packed with variations of the sport that are exciting and full of energy. This includes, but is not limited to, quick cricket, french cricket, and diamond cricket.


Our Gymnastics sessions are a great way for your child to start learning the exciting ways our bodies can tumble, roll, cartwheel and balance. All sessions will look to also increase the children’s confidence and social skills during teamwork exercises.


At B.A. Academy we do athletics in the style of Mini Athletics. This enhances athleticism through a progressive model of balance, co-ordination, speed and agility exercises. The mini athletes will develop there skills and self-confidence through the perfect mix of imaginative play and sport.


Our Multi-Sports activities aims to look at a number of sports over an extended period of sessions. The sole purpose is to develop competence in a broad range of physical activities that allow your pupils to become passionate about and excel in sports.


In this club children will become masters of coordination through fun and engaging sessions. Could your child be the next Andy Murray?

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